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26 octobre 2022 à 23 h 02 min #183532
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ASOS 59 – Tyrion VII
Au fil des pages – liste des sujets◄ ASOS 58, Daenerys V ASOS 60, Sansa IV ► Tyrion Lannister apprend à son épouse Sansa que son frère Robb et sa mère Catelyn ont été tués aux Jumeaux, et s’étonne de sa résignation et de son absence de larmes. Il quitte nuitamment la chambre conjugale pour aller rejoindre Shae dans les passages secrets souterrains du Donjon Rouge, où les deux amants échangent de tendres paroles. Tyrion se demande s’il n’a pas pris trop de risques en faisant engager Shae comme servante de Sansa mais ne peut se résoudre à l’éloigner, aveuglé par son amour pour elle. Il part ensuite se préparer en vue du mariage de Joffrey, songeant à marier Shae à ser Tallad le Grand pour qu’elle soit en sécurité et heureuse.
Retour chez Tyrion (avant Sansa) pour un très court chapitre
Là, clairement, on est du côté de Tyrion : il ménage sa femme. C’est sans doute normal mais beaucoup ne l’auraient pas fait
He had expected anguish and anger when he told her of her brother’s death, but Sansa’s face had remained so still that for a moment he feared she had not understood. It was only later, with a heavy oaken door between them, that he heard her sobbing. Tyrion had considered going to her then, to offer what comfort he could. No, he had to remind himself, she will not look for solace from a Lannister. The most he could do was to shield her from the uglier details of the Red Wedding as they came down from the Twins. Sansa did not need to hear how her brother’s body had been hacked and mutilated, he decided; nor how her mother’s corpse had been dumped naked into the Green Fork in a savage mockery of House Tully’s funeral customs. The last thing the girl needed was more fodder for her nightmares.
Surtout, il sait bien qu’il est du clan ennemi (pour Sansa)
The way she looked at him, her stiffness when she climbed into their bed . . . when he was with her, never for an instant could he forget who he was, or what he was. No more than she did. She still went nightly to the godswood to pray, and Tyrion wondered if she were praying for his death. She had lost her home, her place in the world, and everyone she had ever loved or trusted. Winter is coming, warned the Stark words, and truly it had come for them with a vengeance. But it is high summer for House Lannister. So why am I so bloody cold?
On apprend au passage qu’ils ont déménagé (en virant lord Gyles), que Bronn a une chambre avec fenêtre (minuscule) et qu’ils ont Bella comme femme de chambre (souvenir d’un vieux jeu du forum, tiens^^).
Mais Tyrion a toujours ses vieux démons et va voir Shae qui est… dans le crâne d’un dragon. Y a un double sens sur le crâne de dragon qui se ressemble ?? ^^
Her dress was draped over a black tooth near as tall as she was, and she stood within the dragon’s jaws, nude. Balerion, he thought. Or was it Vhagar? One dragon skull looked much like another.
Le dialogue qui suit fait mal à lire. Shae dit à Tyrion ce qu’il veut entendre et ce dernier sait bien qu’il ne devrait pas s’abandonner et le fait quand même, une fois de plus. Il est aussi dans les toiles de Varys.
Tyrion sat. “We have a long day before us, both of us. You shouldn’t have blown out that taper. How are we to find our clothing?”
She laughed. “Maybe we’ll have to go naked.”
And if we’re seen, my lord father will hang you. Hiring Shae as one of Sansa’s maids had given him an excuse to be seen talking with her, but Tyrion did not delude himself that they were safe. Varys had warned him. “I gave Shae a false history, but it was meant for Lollys and Lady Tanda. Your sister is of a more suspicious mind. If she should ask me what I know . . .”
“You will tell her some clever lie.”
“No. I will tell her that the girl is a common camp follower that you acquired before the battle on the Green Fork and brought to King’s Landing against your lord father’s express command. I will not lie to the queen.”
“You have lied to her before. Shall I tell her that?”
The eunuch sighed. “That cuts more deeply than a knife, my lord. I have served you loyally, but I must also serve your sister when I can. How long do you think she would let me live if I were of no further use to her whatsoever? I have no fierce sellsword to protect me, no valiant brother to avenge me, only some little birds who whisper in my ear. With those whisperings I must buy my life anew each day.”
“Pardon me if I do not weep for you.”
“I shall, but you must pardon me if I do not weep for Shae. I confess, I do not understand what there is in her to make a clever man like you act such a fool.”
“You might, if you were not a eunuch.”
“Is that the way of it? A man may have wits, or a bit of meat between his legs, but not both?” Varys tittered. “Perhaps I should be grateful I was cut, then.”
The Spider was right. Tyrion groped through the dragon-haunted darkness for his smallclothes, feeling wretched. The risk he was taking left him tight as a drumhead, and there was guilt as well. The Others can take my guilt, he thought as he slipped his tunic over his head. Why should I be guilty? My wife wants no part of me, and most especially not the part that seems to want her. Perhaps he ought to tell her about Shae. It was not as though he was the first man ever to keep a concubine. Sansa’s own oh-so-honorable father had given her a bastard brother. For all he knew, his wife might be thrilled to learn that he was fucking Shae, so long as it spared her his unwelcome touch.
No, I dare not. Vows or no, his wife could not be trusted. She might be maiden between the legs, but she was hardly innocent of betrayal; she had once spilled her own father’s plans to Cersei. And girls her age were not known for keeping secrets.
Du coup, il se dit que le seul truc rationnel à faire, c’est de se débarrasser de Shae (oui !!!). Et il envisage des partis pour elle. Je le trouve assez présomptueux d’imaginer qu’un noble va épouser (entretenir) Shae. Bronn a certainement d’autres aspirations, surtout qu’il sait très bien d’où elle vient (et pour cause)
Or, if she was tired of earning her bread on her back, he might arrange a marriage for her. Bronn, perhaps? The sellsword had never balked at eating off his master’s plate, and he was a knight now, a better match than she could elsewise hope for. Or Ser Tallad? Tyrion had noticed that one gazing wistfully at Shae more than once. Why not? He’s tall, strong, not hard to look upon, every inch the gifted young knight. Of course, Tallad knew Shae only as a pretty young lady’s maid in service at the castle. If he wed her and then learned she was a whore . . .
Ah, Tyrion, tu es sur le point de prendre la bonne décision
“M’lord sounds very solemn. Have I displeased you?”
“No,” he said, too curtly. “You always please me.” And therein is our danger.
Et puis bon, il survit toujours
“Day comes too soon.” A new day. A new year. A new century. I survived the Green Fork and the Blackwater, I can bloody well survive King Joffrey’s wedding.
Oui, enfin pour le mariage, c’est pas gagné du tout…
A la fin du chapitre, sa décision est prise (et il imagine que les autres seront d’accord avec ça, je suppose)
I will wed her to Ser Tallad. He seems a decent man. And tall . . .
Prochain chapitre, Sansa
Je sers la Garde et c'est ma joie. For this night, and all the nights to come
MJ de Chanson d'Encre et de Sang (2013-2020) et de parties en ligne de jeu de rôle
MJ par intérim de Les Prétendants d'Harrenhal (2024-), rejoignez-nous
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